Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

[From. YOONA] Hello^^

Hello SONEs^^
The time passed for a group called Girls' Generation.
It's already been 6 years huh~♥
The me who was 18 has somehow turned 24.
I've also gotten many hoobaes..
I think among female groups, we're the ones who have gone the longest^^
You're still by our sides saying we're the best
Even though we must be showing appearances that are lacking compared to at the start
I think because there are people who are always cheering for us,
even though it's already been 6 years,
we can still remain as the cool Girls' Generation♥
Thank you always♥

Right now it's Girls' Generation~!!

eng trans by kymmie
[Dari. YOONA] Halo^^

Halo SONE^^

Waktu terus berlalu untuk sebuah grup bernama Girls' Generation.
Sekarang sudah tahun ke-6 huh~♥
Aku yang dulu 18 tahun sekarang sudah jadi 24 tahun.
Aku juga mendapat banyak junior..
Aku rasa diantara grup-grup perempuan lainnya, kami yang sudah berjalan paling lama^^
Kalian masih disisi kami untuk mendukung kami
Walaupun kami menunjukkan penampilan yang masih kurang dibandingkan awal dulu
Aku rasa karena ada orang-orang yang selalu mendukung kami,
walaupun sekarang sudah tahun ke-6
Kami masih bisa tetap sekeren Girls' Generation♥
Terima kasih♥

Sekarang Girls' Generation~!!
 Source : This and This
Cr : SONE Indonesia

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